Logo rouge avec le portrait de Jacques Lacan et l'acronyme de l'association

International of Forums
School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field

> The International of the Forums

International organs

The International of the Forums is a federation, created November 15, 1999 in Paris, at the seat of the FCL-France, 118 rue d'Assas, 75006 Paris, during a founding assembly which brought together delegates from forums in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Caracas, Colombia, Spain, France, Greece, Israel, and Switzerland. The Charter of the IF was adopted on that occasion and was modified as needed during the course of various international meetings. The purpose of the International is to connect forums scattered across the world, including future forums.

Operations at the international level are based on the principle of a collegial, flexible administration, thus assuring interaction among the various forums across the globe.

The forums


The Forums, of whatever size (ten members minimum), work toward the goals of the Lacanian Field, namely: to assure the spread of psychoanalysis, its connection to and debates with other discourses. The Forums work in concert with the Clinical Formation groups, whose purpose is to teach clinical analysis.

Admission to a Forum

Each Forum chooses from within its ranks an admissions committee, elected for a two-year term, not immediately renewable. Those who, following an interview, are admitted into the forums, share the goals of the Lacanian Field and work toward achieving them. Admission becomes effective after payment of the IF dues.

The IF zones

The Forums are grouped into major zones , according to their location and/or language. Each zone elects a representative to the College of Representatives (CRIF).


The IF regularly issues two publications.

Hétérité is an international review, appearing annually, in most of the languages of the IF, in electronic version. It is a collection of contributions by members from the various zones, and includes papers presented at the international meetings. See numbers 1-6 under the heading "Publications."

The international directory appears every two years, listing members of the IF and the School of Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Field, along with foundational and statutory texts of the organization.


Internationale des Forums - École de Psychanalyse des Forums du Champ Lacanien
118, rue d'Assas - 75006 Paris - France