Logo rouge avec le portrait de Jacques Lacan et l'acronyme de l'association

International of Forums
School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field

> Clinical training

Children and Psychoanalysis Network

The main objectives of the REP (Réseau Enfants et Psychanalyse) are : to develop the research concerning questions raised by the psychoanalytical orientation in the clinic with children ; to build links among clinicians interested in these issues. The REP organize activities which are open to all those interested.

REP France: It includes more than ten study groupes, around different topics related to early childhood such as: the structure, the clinic with children, adolescents, etc. It co-hosts, together with the EPFCL. If you want to organize an activity, suggest a topic of research, be registered on the CPN list, or come up with another type of initiative, please contact Martine Menes at menes.m@ cache-moi sfr.fr. A web page dedicated to the CPN can be consulted on the EPFCL-France site.

REP-Italy - Rede Psicanalise e Criança : repsy.italia@ cache-moi gmail.com

REP in Spanish - RHIPNA : which gathers colleagues from Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, Panama y Puerto Rico. The RHIPNA created a blog which allows exchanges in Spanish: redhipna.blogspot.com. This blog is open for studies and other contributions.

REP Brasil : Bel Horizonte, Sao Paulo, Salvador de Bahia, Natal, Aracaju, Rio de Janeiro

It is possible to communicate with the members of this REP by using the REP list: rep@ cache-moi champlacanien.net.

Documents & Links


Internationale des Forums - École de Psychanalyse des Forums du Champ Lacanien
118, rue d'Assas - 75006 Paris - France